BCF funds may be customized in different ways and are of many different kinds. Here you can sort our funds by type to learn more about BCF’s fund options.
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Sarah Lawrence Fund
Addressing economic inequity in Brookline
Brookline Fund to Increase Diversity in Architecture and Design
Preparing students for careers in architecture and design
Environmental Stewardship Fund
Benefiting the environment in Brookline
Margaret Bush Fund For Education
Supporting education in Brookline
Emily Novick Fund for Teens
Providing teens with enrichment opportunities
Thomas P. Hennessey Scholarship Fund
Providing scholarships to students in financial need
Brookline Library and Brookline Senior Center Fund
Supporting the Public Library of Brookline and the Brookline Senior Center
Friends of Brookline Public Health Fund
Supporting projects, programs and initiatives that advance public health initiatives in Brookline.
BCF Fund for Brookline
Creating equity and promoting opportunity in Brookline
Vaule Fund for Art and Culture
Advancing arts and culture in Brookline
Harold Brown Scholarship Fund
Ensuring students can continue their educations
Brookline Community Outdoor Pool Fund
Supporting the establishment of an outdoor community pool in Brookline
Beverly Skende College Scholarship Fund
Promoting academic excellence and community service
Edna Mann Memorial Scholarship Fund for Social Justice and Equity
Supporting students who demonstrate a commitment to social justice
Blyth Family Fund
Supporting children's health and welfare
Steps to Success Scholarship Fund
Ensuring students have the funds they need to complete their academic programs
Jennifer Lynch Fund
Raising awareness about domestic violence
Laura Dunne Astley Fund
Connecting young children to early education programs
Olga Blasser Scholarship Fund
Furthering education for Brookline students
David Zadoc Whipple Fund
Creating writing programs and fellowships for Brookline youth
BCF Scholarship Fund for Brookline High School
Supporting BHS students making the transition to post-secondary education
Brookline Fund to Expand Access to the Robert T. Lynch Municipal Golf Course
Supporting improvements to the RLM golf course to make it more accessible
Brookline Youth Fund
Supporting Brookline youth and families
Mason Family Fund
Providing emergency assistance for Brookline families
BCF Opportunity and Equity Fund
Building capacity through research and grantmaking
Hodgman-Pike Scholarship Fund
Supporting students via scholarships
Racial Equity Fund
Supporting efforts that advance racial equity and justice in Brookline
Chobee Hoy Fund For Brookline
Addressing emergency needs, including food insecurity, housing, childcare and mental health
Hoppin Family Fund
Responding to changing community needs
Brookline Tuberculosis and Health Society Fund
Providing grants to Brookline’s Health and Human Services Department
Hattie Carr Fund
Supporting children's health and welfare
Piltch Family Scholarship Fund
Providing college scholarships to Brookline students with financial need
Goldstein-Driessen Youth Fund for Arts and Culture
Expanding access to the arts in Brookline
BCF Safety Net Fund
Funding essential needs and services for the Brookline community
Photos for core funds: Liz Linder