The following BCF policies were created to provide transparency into our operations and to offer clear information to donors, grant seekers, grant recipients, and community members.
BCF fund fee policy
Each of our fund types has its own minimum initial investments, as well as its own fee. Please refer to the following schedule. FUND TYPE MINIMUM INITIAL INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION FEES Named Unrestricted Fund $10,000 for endowed 1.5% annually and applied quarterly $750 minimum for endowed Endowed Discretionary More ...
BCF in kind donation policy
BCF is currently unable to accept in-kind donations such as clothing, food, household goods, vehicles, medical equipment, and other materials. If you are interested in supporting our work, we invite you to learn about ways you can make a difference in Brookline through partnering with BCF. If you have items More ...
BCF investment policy
Approved by the Investment Committee: August 1, 2024 Approved by the Board of Trustees: November 19, 2024 I. Introduction The Brookline Community Foundation creates opportunity and promotes equity through the transformative power of giving, fulfilling the promise of opportunity, by addressing the needs of Brookline as a whole. This document More ...
Diversity, equity & inclusion
Diversity, equity and inclusion BCF is committed to being an equity-focused and anti-racist partner for the Brookline community. We cannot do this work without addressing the root causes of the inequities we see across the country and in our community. Often, poverty, hunger, un- and under-employment, More ...