About the organization The Brookline Teen Center provides a platform where all teens can explore, create, and discover who they are. Through responsive programming, BTC  prepares teens to safely navigate adolescence in a nurturing and joyful environment.
In the most recent funding cycle, BCF funds were provided to…
  • Expand the 2022 Summer Internship program in response to a growing need for teens to gain financial resources due to the pandemic.
  • Provide youth in Brookline, especially Brown and Black teens, with transformative supports and services by hiring the organization’s first high school manager and launching their new strategic plan.
  • Support Growing Empowerment, a food justice summer opportunity for high school age youth in collaboration with Brookline High School teacher Roger Grande.
Website brooklineteencenter.org
Organization received BCF funding during the following years: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, Prior to 2019
Has been supported by the following BCF grants and/or funds: Racial Equity Grant Program, Community Grant Program,
Youth Development Grant, Safety Net Grant Program, Epstein Family Fund for Teens, Blyth Family Fund, Sarah Lawrence Fund, NETA II Fund