When you give to BCF, you’re investing in proven strategies for building a thriving Brookline.
Partnering to address multiple,
interconnected challenges
As a community foundation, BCF is unique in our focus. Rather than address a single issue such as hunger or housing, we address a range of issues impacting the lives of Brookline community members. Our research capabilities help us identify community needs, but more importantly they allow us to see how these needs might be interconnected, such as how food insecurity impacts children’s educational outcomes.
Managing resources
to take aim at root causes
Because of these insights and our strong knowledge of the nonprofit organizations supporting Brookline, we’re able to quickly and effectively coordinate with multiple partners to direct resources towards addressing not only individual needs but the interconnected needs impacting people’s lives. Through this, we can better support the Brookline community while also addressing the root causes that perpetuate inequities like hunger, poverty, and injustice.
Taking the long view in providing
philanthropic support
When you give to BCF, you can be confident in knowing that your gift will be used to support the needs of the Brookline community immediately and in perpetuity. Our proven strategy of identifying barriers, building philanthropic support, and investing resources in the nonprofits and efforts best positioned to address those barriers means that your gift will be at the forefront of positive community impact. Our expert advisors help manage the gifts donors generously entrust to us so we can continue making transformative investment in Brookline. Our status as a public charity means we can offer our donors maximum deductibility for income, gift, and estate tax purposes. Most importantly, you have the benefit of knowing that your gift is supporting a variety of efforts that are helping build a community in which every person can thrive.